Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Chosen Name, Nara Josette

We've shared with some of our family and friends about how we were led to name our daughter, Nara Josette. If you haven't heard it... We've had her name of the top of our baby list, since before we had any of the boys. During each of our pregnancies, we had it at the top of our list every time, but since God blessed us with 3 boys biologically....

Nara Josette is a family name from both of our families. Nara, was Rob's great grandmother's name. Josette, is from one of my grandmother's whose name is Josephine, with Josette being a form of her name. 

The meaning... Nara - a safe place and is a prominent Japanese (Asian decent) city and was the capital of Japan for many years. Josette is translated directly from the Hebrew - an addition from the Lord into the family.

When we began our search for a girl name several months ago, Rob felt strongly that Nara Josette was still her name, though it had been selected several years ago. I on the other hand wasn't so sure. I prayed for God to lead us to the name He would have for her. After a couple of weeks of searching and praying, I was compelled to lookup the name again for it's meaning. It only took about one second before the tears began to roll and I realized that God had given us her chosen name long ago, NARA JOSETTE.


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